

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki is a Japanese form of Natural healing. Subtle healing energy is channeled by the practitioner’s hands to the recipient, calming, supporting, and restoring the body and mind wherever it is needed.

How can Reiki help?

Reiki can be used to help heal symptoms and conditions on many levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, lending clarity and positive direction.

Reiki healing when applied to specific areas of the body helps to empower local tissues. When applied to the main energetic systems in the body, such as the chakras and auric layers Reiki clears obstacles and balances communication throughout the whole body, regulating organ function and re-instating emotional balance

Effective and pleasant therapy

Reiki has proven to be a very effective therapy to reduce and relieve physical pain, reduce stress, speed up recovery from major operations and dentistry, recovery from illness, palliative care, and balance even extreme mental and emotional states. Reiki is practiced with the patient clothed and lying on a massage couch. If necessary Reiki can also be practiced with the patient seated, or resting on cushions (e.g. elderly or pregnancy).

Reiki is safe and effective for all age groups and can be used alongside medical treatment, medicines and complimentary therapies.

Two styles of Reiki treatment

I offer two styles of Reiki treatment. A classic Reiki and Positive Thinking Therapy Reiki, incorporating other therapies, using gentle voice suggestions to aid healing of mind and body.

Ready to find out more?

Contact us by phone 07833752173 or email